Would you like to get a fun box of geocaching and awesome outdoor gear delivered right to your door?
What you get in each monthly cache crate will be a fun surprise -just like finding an awesome regular sized cache filled with amazing swag!
Remember those days? Yeah, us too.
We re-create that excitement with every Cache Crate delivered right to your door!
Three Simple Steps:
1. Subscribe 2. Unbox 3. Go Geocaching!
Watch Joshua the Geocaching Vlogger Unbox our Cache Crates!
Cache Crate
We'll send you a crate of great geocaching and outdoor gear every month. This plan auto renews every month. Cancel at any time. Like trackables? Be sure to get the trackable addon!
$27/month + $6 Shipping
Combo Crate
Combo Crate
Get the Geocaching Tee + Cache Crate Combined for the ultimate experience! Get the geocaching Crate Crate + Geocaching tee shipped to you every month!
$41/month + $9.50 Shipping
How it works:
Sign up for the membership level you want and we'll send out a box of great gear EVERY MONTH!
You can pay monthly, every 6 months, or annually for your best deal!
We ship between the 15th and end of each month.
Our cutoff for each month is the 14th; if you join after the 14th of any month, your first Crate will be shipped the following month.
Cache Crate Shipping is $6/month. Combo Crate Shipping is $9.50.
Canadian shipping is an additional $9/month.
International Shipping beyond Canada is an additional $19/month.
Get a BONUS Trackable Every Month!
Add a BONUS trackable each month for just $7! Add this option during checkout.
We ship trackables in every Cache Crate approximately 3-6 times a year.
The Trackable Addon option will give you a bonus different trackable each month. These are unactivated new Geocoins, Cachekinz or other fun trackables, often exclusive to Cache Crate members.