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Would you like to get a fun box of geocaching and awesome outdoor gear delivered right to your door every month?
What you get in each monthly Cache Crate will be a fun surprise -just like finding an awesome regular sized cache filled with amazing swag! Remember those days? Yeah, us too. We want to re-create that excitement with every crate delivered right to your door.
Three Simple Steps:
1. Subscribe 2. Unbox 3. Go Geocaching!
Watch Joshua the Geocaching Vlogger Unbox our Cache Crates!
The Quarterly Hero Crate
We all know one, or have heard the legend: that geocacher who can do it all, and has it all. They have the tools needed to make the find, retrieve the log, solve the puzzles and make the grab. They fix broken caches, come to the rescue of befuddled cachers, sidestep DNFs, mentor newbies, hide great caches and always have a good hint when called on.
The Geocaching Hero
You can be one too, and we can help! Our Cache Crate Hero Plan will give you the tools you need to be a geocaching hero.
Each quarter we will ship top-quality high-value gear and inspiration for geocaching in the Hero Crate. This will include cool stuff to help you find and retrieve challenging caches, hide favorite point worthy caches, and keep comfortable on the hunt.
Be a Geocaching Hero!
In the Hero Crate
What you get in each Hero Crate will be a big and fun surprise -amazing gear and inspiration for geocaching each season!
You've heard of our wildly popular monthly Cache Crate. This is bigger. Much bigger. Each season we'll send you (or your giftee) an awesome crate of top quality gear and inspiration for geocaching!
What you get in each Hero Crate will be a big and fun surprise -amazing gear and inspiration for geocaching each season!You've heard of our wildly popular monthly Cache Crate. This is bigger. Much bigger. Each season we'll send you (or your giftee) an awesome crate of top quality gear and inspiration for geocaching!
How the Hero Crate works
Sign up for the Hero Crate and we'll send out a big box of great gear each quarter!
Once we receive confirmation of your membership, we'll ship your first crate to you (or your giftee) with our next regularly scheduled quarterly shipment. Currently we ship on or near every solstice and equinox, four times a year. You will be billed on a recurring basis (your payment method will be automatically renewed) every quarter on the first of the month of your three month anniversary of your membership. Cancel anytime.
All active and paid subscriptions through midnight of the 10th (Pacific time) of any shipping month (March, June, September and December) will ship in that month. Due to the limited quantities and special nature of our Hero Crates, if you start a new subscription after the 10th, your first shipment will occur in the following shipping month.
We generally use UPS for all of our Hero Crates shipping. Shipping costs to US destinations are $15/quarter. Canada is an additional $42/quarter and international shipping is an additional $64/quarter.
Ship times depend on your ship-to address; generally about a week for most US destinations.